Old Orchard Lanes on 5-6 October 2024
The 2024 tournament has completed. Tyler Mills was our winner.

Champaign Masters Tournament Format and Rules
Current members of the Champaign Area USBC with a certified USBC average over 200 for any of the past three seasons (32 game minimum) in a Champaign Area USBC league; or any bowler to have ever won a scratch division of any previous Champaign Area USBC tournaments is eligible to enter.
Qualifying: Bowlers will bowl a 6-game scratch qualifying block changing pairs every game on Saturday. The top 10 total scratch pin fall bowlers will qualify for round robin match play on Sunday.
In case of a tie for 10th place, a 1 game roll off will be bowled on a lane neither bowler has just finished on. If the bowlers are still tied after the roll off, then we will have a 9th and 10th frame roll off until a winner is determined. In the case of a tie for any other qualifying place, bowlers will be seeded based on high game, followed by second high game and so on until the tie is broken.
Finals: Round robin match play will consist of 10 games.
- Every bowler will bowl each other in a 1 game scratch total pins match, with the final round being a position round.
- Matches will be on a schedule prior to the beginning of the finals.
- The first round of match play will be a position round from qualifying. 1 vs 2, 3 vs 4, 5 vs 6, 7 vs 8 and 9 vs 10.
- Winners of each match will receive an extra 30 bonus pins. Ties will have each bowler receive 15 bonus pins.
- Bowler with the highest total pin fall with bonus pins will be the winner.
- Ties for 1st place would be decided by a 1 game scratch roll off on a lane neither bowler has just bowled on. If the bowlers are still tied, then we will have a 9th and 10th frame roll off.
- Both days will be bowled on a challenge pattern which will be posted on the Champaign Area USBC website and Facebook page on or before the Friday the week prior to competition.
Entry Fee: Entry fee will be $75.00 per bowler (breakdown is TBA). If entry fee is not paid by the Friday before the event there will be an additional $5 walk in fee. We will pay 1 out of 4 with a minimum of the top 10 positions to be awarded prize money.
Awards: All cash awards will be paid on a total scratch pin fall, including bonus pins. Ties for 1st place will be decided as stated above. Ties for any other places will split the prize monies for the adjacent places
General Rules
- Only bowlers are allowed in the check in area. Walk in entries must be presented in full (i.e., full payment required upon submission). Walk in entries will be allowed up until 30 minutes prior to the beginning of the tournament.
- All squads will start on time unless held up due to equipment failure. A tardy bowler’s score shall start in the frame in which they enter the game.
- Bowlers will be given 10 minutes of practice prior to qualifying on Saturday and match play on Sunday. Bowlers will also be given 5 mins of practice before the final game (position round) of match play.
- Bowlers will be seeded into an “ABC” schedule based on qualifying position.
- During qualifying, Bowlers will move according to which lane they start on. Left will move left each game,right will move right. How many pairs a bowler will move will be determined based on the number of entries and will be announced during the announcements prior to practice.
- Any player may be removed from competition for behavior deemed detrimental to the tournament after one warning. No refunds will be made for players removed for such a reason, and the player will forfeit any prize money he or she could have won.
- There will be a $25.00 charge for any returned check. Failure to pay for a returned check will be cause for appropriate USBC disciplinary action.
- Bowlers who finish in the top 10 will make up the CA USBC travel team. All bowlers who bowl will earn points which will go towards their season long all-star standings.
- Games from this tournament will not count towards their tournament average due to this tournament being on a challenge pattern.
- Bowling balls approved for league use are allowed for this tournament.